lighty's life

lighty developer blog

PRE-RELEASE: lighttpd-1.5.0-r1857.tar.gz

Baby-steps, …

As we are running this release on it is time to push it out to more testers.



  • mod-proxy-core
  • added support to rewrite PATHINFO and SCRIPTNAME
  • fixed setenv.environment support
  • fixed random crashes
  • fixed keep-alive announcement if keep-alive is disabled
  • fixed handling of status 304 from the backends
  • fixed handling of trailing CRLF after a KeepAlive POST
  • fixed the output of lighttpd -p to result in a real configfile
  • fixed loading of default modules if they are explicitly specified

Lighttpd at the PHP Unconference 2007

Last weekend I was at the PHP Unconference and gave a talk about lighttpd. Perhaps we will see a mod_auth_backend_"openid": in the near future …

A nice small unconference with some nice non-talks about Tagging and University meets Business. While the quantity of attendance was a bit low, the quality was high.

Anyway, my talk covers lighttpd, 1.5.0 and the cool modules around flv, secdownload, … and is available as PDF and SWF Runs on 1.5.0

All the domains (blog, trac, www, xcache, upload, …) are now running lighttpd 1.5.0-trunk. It took some debugging to sort out problems with the way trac wants to handle PATH_INFO 1841
and how ruby handles fastcgi-keepalive requests via Unix-Sockets 1850 1849

In case you see that one of the sites is down, ping me (weigon) on IRC. The server is running in valgrind and should provide enough information to fix the problem.

PRE-RELEASE: lighttpd-1.5.0-r1811.tar.gz

… or eating our’s own dog food.

We are now running lighttpd 1.5.0-r1811 at next to the lighttpd-1.4.13 [official debian] package.

This is one way to say that this is a Release Candidate and that we want to expose it to more testers out there. Update: is running on 1.5.0-trunk/

As working demo you have:

Yes, that’s mod_uploadprogress in action :)

Lighttpd 1.4.15

"1.4.15":// got released shortly after 1.4.14 went out. Check the ChangeLog of "1.4.14":// for a long list of good reasons to upgrade. Download: ""://

About Perfection, Deprecacting Mod_rrdtool

Today I stumbled over this quote again:

“Perfection is achieved, not when there is nothing left to add, but when there is nothing left to remove.” — Antoine de Saint-Exupery

… and this reminds me that I want to remove mod_rrdtool from the 1.5.x tree and replace it with a more flexible, external solution.

mod_rrdtool is a rip-off of mod_status and calls the rrdtool binary directly via a pipe. Problems:

  • is has a pipe open all the time
  • it doesn’t handle a restart
  • doesn’t work with max-worker

Lighttpd Enters the Top5

Netcraft reports:

This month the Web Server Survey adds public tracking of lighttpd, an open source server designed for high-performance sites that has been gaining popularity in recent months. Lighttpd is currently detected on 1.38 million sites for a 1.2% share of the web server market, well ahead of Zeus and moving up quickly on Sun. Lighttpd has a relatively small memory footprint and is optimized for a large number of parallel connections, which has made it popular on sites using applications based on AJAX or Ruby on Rails, or hosting environments for virtual private servers.

The news got picked up by:

With the release of 1.5.0 we aim for higher ranks and try to get ahead of Suns iplanet. You always need a goal: World Domination. :)