lighty's life

lighty developer blog

Spawn-fcgi Removed From Lighttpd Src

As announced in an earlier post, spawn-fcgi has now been removed from the lighttpd tree.
spawn-fcgi has become a completely seperate project (located at

Lighty 1.4 can still spawn fastcgi processes internally via mod_fastcgi of course.

Package maintainers are advised to provide packages for spawn-fcgi, to make it a dependency of lighttpd and to remove the binary from any existing package as soon as possible so spawn-fcgi can be updated even when there is no new lighttpd release.

Lighttpd 1.4.23 will not include the binary anymore.

Google Summer of Code 2009

Like every year, google is running the GSoC 2009 and if you have a neat idea that you would like to propose, please do so and add it to the list at our "GSoc2009 wiki page"://

PRE-RELEASE: Lighttpd 1.4.22rc2-r2405

As a followup to rc1 of 1.4.22, rc2 has been published with 3 additional bugfixes.
Two of which are for FreeBSD users, the other one relating to mod_scgi.

You can get the pre-release from these urls:
SHA1 checksum:

MD5 checksum:

Please test it as much as possible and provide us with feedback.
A lot of testing ensures a good release.
If no showstoppers are encountered, there will be a final release soon.

PRE-RELEASE: Lighttpd 1.4.22rc1-r2402

Unfortunately there was a bug introduced with version 1.4.21 of lighttpd which rendered the default vhost in mod_simple_vhost broken (always 404).

Therefor we would like to draw your attention to this new testing version.

You can get the pre-release from these urls:
SHA1 checksum:

MD5 checksum:

Please test it as much as possible and provide us with feedback.
A lot of testing ensures a good release.
If no showstoppers are encountered, there will be a final release soon.

Prerelease of Spawn-fcgi 1.6.0 (Rc1-r16)

spawn-fcgi extracted into own project

There are several versions of spawn-fcgi (one in lighttpd 1.4.x, one in 1.5.x and one in cherokee), which makes packaging very hard (e.g.: debian packages spawn-fcgi from lighty as “spawn-fcgi.lighttpd” – making usage complicated as your scripts are probably just using “spawn-fcgi”).
Additionally, keeping the sources and bug fixes synchronized is just too much work (ok, the one in cherokee isn’t our problem :) ).
Therefore we decided to split spawn-fcgi into a new project which will start with version 1.6.0 (and will be independent of lighttpd releases or versions).

We plan to remove spawn-fcgi from lighttpd-1.4.x after the release of 1.4.22.

In case you would like to test a spawn-fcgi version with more features (options for chowning the socket), see here: (needs glib)

You can find the new project at