We have been using jenkins to build lighttpd2 (normal build, snapshots, packages, docs, and gerrit pull requests).
From now on we are also building lighttpd-1.4.x, spawn-fcgi, fcgi-cgi, scgi-cgi, fcgi-debug, multiwatch and weighttp.
All this has been implemented in a very generic way, so our gerrit instance might see some of the other projects soon too. It also should be very easy to add more projects to this setup (although creating the initial packaging usually requires still some work).
As the gnutls package in debian jessie was very important for lighttpd2 but build.opensuse.org doesn’t support debian testing, we built our own debian packages back when jessie was still testing. Because it was very easy to reuse this we now provide debian packages (jessie/stable + stretch/testing) for the other projects too, and you can find packages for other distributions in OBS home:stbuehler:*.
The nightly packages are created after every commit (when the build succeeded), the normal packages are build after manual triggering in jenkins (we will publish releases candidates this way).